Fake Money

With fake money you get honey

With fake money you get horny 

With fake money you get honey

With fake money you get horny

You get credit to get honey, repay the credit (and the dentist) with your life 

With fake money you get honey

With fake money you get horny 

With fake money you get meat

With fake money you get need

With fake money you get peace

With fake money you get a weapon

Everyone wanna have money, nobody wanna give.

With fake money you get time

With fake money your time goes by

With fake money you get attracted

With fake money you get distracted

With fake money you get all you desire

With fake money you get a lie

Money is not rare. But courage for courage and courage for knowledge.

There is no lack in the world. Just as fear in the brain of people.

With fake money you get honey

With fake money you get horny 

With fake money you get friends

With fake money you get no love

Without money you are a loser

With a lot money you are a loser, too!

Rich rich rich, try to reach a dream you never can reach.

now you work for fake money, later you pay for your misused body

With fake money you get honey

With fake money you get horny 

Destroy the fear. Have courage for courage and knowledge. And don’t believe the magic of money. Be generous to yourself and to everyone.

The real suffer is fake money that gives you honey

Secrecy through public disbelief 

Take them power / give them religion

take them / give them

color / security

unity / nationality

confidence / fashion

time / money

with war

with war

Take them power / give them religion

take them / give them

rest / things

urges / comedians

future / past

diversity / psychic ills

health / medicine

movement / sports

self-sufficiency / free market

freedom / internet

with war

with war

with war

with war

Take them power / give them religion

take them / give them

reflection / science

togetherness / banging

awareness / drugs

equality / democracy 

development / technology

art / art market

music / pop

progress / president

take them / give them

change / hope

change / hope

change / hope

change / hope

change / hope

Secrecy through public disbelief – CHD

Nemm ne Chraft / geb ne Religion 

nemm ne / geb ne

Farb / Secherheit

Einigkeit / Nationalität

Sälbschtvertroue / Mode

Ziit / Gäld

met Chrieg

met Chrieg

Nemm ne Chraft / geb ne Religion 

nemm ne / geb ne

Pause / Sache

Verlange / Komiker

Zuekonft / Vergangeheit

Verschedeheit / psychischi Erchrankige

Gesundheit / Medizin

Bewegig / Sport

Sälbschtgnüegsamkeit / Freie Märt

Freiheit / Internet

met Chrieg

met Chrieg

met Chrieg

met Chrieg

Nemm ne Chraft / geb ne Religion 

nemm ne / geb ne

Reflektion / Wösseschaft

Zämehalt / Fegge

Bewosstsii / Droge

Glichheit / Demokratie

Entwecklig / Technologie

Konscht / Konschthandel

Musig / Pop

Fortschrett / en Präsidänt

nemm ne / geb ne

Veränderig / Hoffnig

Veränderig / Hoffnig

Veränderig / Hoffnig

Veränderig / Hoffnig

Veränderig / Hoffnig

Signal / Noise

Instrumental (Am I chasing signal / Am I chasing noise)

Signal / Noise – CHD

Instrumental (Jag ech Signal / jag ech Lärm)

You Are You

you can walk

you can run

you can jump

you can swim

you can talk

and you think

so you can decide — what you want to do

REF instrumental

Because you can walk

Because you can run

Because you can jump

Because you can swim

Because you can talk

Because you think

Because you can decide — who you want to be

REF You are You, It’s all in you, It’s all in you, It’s all in you

Forget what they told you

Forgive them

Make peace

REF You are you, you are you

Because you can walk where you want

Because you can run in all directions

Because you can jump how much you can

Because you can swim in the sea

Because you can talk what you think

Because you can think in your mind

You can decide — what ever you wanna do

REF You can learn everything. You can fly

You Are You – CHD

Du chasch laufe

Du chasch renne

Du chasch gompe

Du chasch schwemme

Du chasch rede

ond du dänksch

also entscheidisch du was du us der machsch

Du besch Du, sesch alles i der enne

vergess was’ der gseit hend

vergeb ne

mach Frede

well du laufsch wohid wotsch

well du chasch i jedi Rechtig renne

ond chasch gompe so höch du chonsch

welld chasch schwemme im meer

weld chasch säge was du wetsch

ond du dänksch i der enn

entscheidisch du wer au emmer du besch

ech cha alles lehre ond ech flüüüg


if you feel it,

if you smell it,

if you have it,

if you see it,


who controls the fear controls you

who controls the fear controls you

who controls the fear controls you

who controls the fear controls you

when starts fear?

where is it?

what is fear?

when do you have it?


who controls the fear controls you

who controls the fear controls you

who controls the fear controls you

who controls the fear controls you

make a break

watch around

take your time


that’s your chance




who controls the fear controls you

who controls the fear controls you

Fear – CHD

wenn sie fühlsch,

wenn sie schmöcksch,

wenn sie hesch,

wenn sie gsehsch,

dänk dra

wer dAngscht kontrolliert, kontrolliert dech

wer dAngscht kontrolliert, kontrolliert dech

wer dAngscht kontrolliert, kontrolliert dech

wer dAngscht kontrolliert, kontrolliert dech

wo foht Angscht a?

wo esch sie?

was esch Angscht?

wenn hesch sie?

dänk dra

wer dAngscht kontrolliert, kontrolliert dech

wer dAngscht kontrolliert, kontrolliert dech

wer dAngscht kontrolliert, kontrolliert dech

wer dAngscht kontrolliert, kontrolliert dech

mach en Pause

lueg omenand

nemm der Ziit


das esch dini Chance


ond etz


who controls the fear controls you

who controls the fear controls you



Gratefully …

… indifferent 

… undecided

… undivided

… unundivided


Freedom flies



All is good

Gratefully …

… powerful
… careful
… fooled

… dull


Freedom flies



All is good

All is good

Gratefully …

… common / average

… worthless

… pushed

… free